
Checking in on Your Beauty Resolutions

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Checking in on Your Beauty Resolutions

2018 is over and 2019 is here. We can hardly believe it. Have you revisited your beauty resolutions from last year, or are they just collecting dust in a junk drawer? It's all too easy to dive into creating a new set of resolutions without reflecting on how far you’ve come. If you made 2018 beauty resolutions, we invite you to think about these three questions:

  1. What worked?
  2. What didn’t work?
  3. What’s next?

What worked?

When you look back on 2018, what habits helped you get closer to your hair growth goals? Maybe our Hair Growth Starter Bundle was just the boost you needed after a period of plateaued hair growth. Maybe doing our Crowned Protein Masque made a tangible difference in the health of your hair. You could have made changes to your schedule that allowed you to prioritize your hair growth.

Notice what worked and celebrate it. That moment of celebration could be a selfie photo shoot or a special day at the spa. The important part is that you give yourself credit for your hard work. Looking great takes work.

What didn’t work?

Whether you met your hair growth goals or fell a little short, there is always room for improvement. Spend some time reflecting on what didn’t work. Maybe you DIY’d all of your protective styles in 2018, and it took over your life. Maybe there are some bad habits you couldn’t kick. Now you’re stuck paying the consequences. Heat damage, any one?

Be honest with yourself about what didn’t work. Sugarcoating the situation doesn’t help anyone. You have to get a clear picture of what held you back from reaching your hair goals so that you can course correct in the coming year.



What’s next?

Hopefully you learned a lot about yourself and your hair in 2018. Use that knowledge to make informed hair growth goals for 2019. Think about what worked. Should you keep those things the same, or is there away to turbocharge those results? For what didn’t work, identify what realistically needs to change. Do you need more products, more support, more knowledge? Use all of that information to create your beauty resolutions. We can already tell that 2019 has great things in store for you.

How did you do with your beauty resolutions? Share your wins in the comments below. You can also share your wins on Instagram using #shedavi, so that the whole Shedavi crew can celebrate with you.

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